Permissionless Research Protocol Jam Session

For a couple of years I’ve been in read mode for what I’ve come to call “kinocomputing”: motion-based approaches to computing and intelligence. Now, I’m looking to move into a more active mode of discovery and set up a lightweight permissionless research protocol to help guide my efforts and make them more coherent. The pic below is a nice TL;DR of what I want to set up.

With that in mind, myself and Parth Agrawal are having a little “permissionless research protocol jam” session this Thursday 28th March, 1600 UTC. The aim is to get to a minimum viable protocol that will allow us to start making commits (think of adding a 4x6 index card to a knowledge graph) and to start catalysing questions, answers and outputs in our respective areas of interest. We’ll be meeting on my Whereby room and there’ll be an open door for the session if anyone wants to drop in and join us.


Had a really lovely jam session. Here’s the link to the recording and transcript: Permissionless Research Jam with Matt and Parth

and to our whiteboard: tldraw

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To TL;DR it: @parth.agrawal and I intend to reconnect in a week and a bit from now with the aim to make our first commits to our respective protocolised graphs. Although we’re using different tooling (Roam Research vs LogSeq), our intent is to have a repeatable, low friction format for making commits in the form of notecards. Basic notecard structure is:

  • Heading (subsequent enlightenment optimisation)
    • Body text/context (self-synthesised and limited in length (e.g. 50-100 words))
    • Callbacks to: Researchers, Questions, Inputs, Outputs, Sustenance

We’ll refine the approach as we begin to make commits and grow our graphs.

One particularly interesting thing for me is that we both want something which enables low single digit hour commitment per week but that compounds over time into a generator of interestingness. A potent question that emerged was how useful this sort of structure is for shifting one’s perspective and ways of seeing vs. augmenting one’s ability to act and do. Seeing and doing are entangled, but IMO it’s more suited to developing appreciative worldviews rather than tangible skills.

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