SoP is hosting a weeklong virtual event at the end of the month, culminating in a full day of workshops and talks. Anyone can host or attend an event. There will be attendees from all over the world, from a plethora of backgrounds. To help facilitate this, we’d like to ask a few things (answer as many or as few as you like):
Is there a topic you could host an event on? If so, what would you title the session?
What do you want to learn about? What event format do you prefer?
What lingering questions about protocols do you have?
To kick this thread off – I’m thinking about hosting a workshop on safety protocols and dynamic non-events. A salon about protocols in war would be really interesting, and/or something about climate adaptation (esp. heat).
Hi - I’m interested in hosting an event on the protocols of gray-zone conflict.
So state-sponsored activities that don’t quite meet the definition war but have similar objectives to war.
It’s a broad topic but a few areas I could cover (in order of expertise):
Economic sanctions
Drone strikes outside of formally-declared war-zones
Separately, I am interested in the protocols for secession.
I kind of like the Discord video/voice call format because it’s easy to share links in a persistent way.