Venkatesh Rao and Tim Beiko, who run the Summer of Protocols program, will be hanging out here to do an AMA. Curious about the program? Wondering how to incorporate protocols into your worldview or just your day-to-day work? Have a protocol improvement idea that you’d like feedback on?
Drop your questions here and they’ll answer them throughout the day!
We’re still working through this! Not quite sure what it will look like, but we very much plan to do something in 2025. I discussed a bit in the first session of the Symposium. The recording isn’t out yet, but here is the relevant slide. In short, similarly to how funding evolved from more “theoretical” to “practical” research from '23 → '24, we want to make sure next year’s efforts are oriented towards the most impactful open questions/problems.
Also TBD, but I’m moderately confident that it makes more sense to shift towards a “publication” model that can do a better job of showcasing different types of content. Print biases towards text and some forms of visual arts but isn’t ideal for code, interactive media, etc. My sense is whatever future “protocol kit” exists should more natively integrate a broader set of artifacts. Again, though, nothing set in stone!