Protocol-Pilled in the UK

Following the CTA for events in the 4th/most recent Protocol Kit instalment, I thought I’d test the water for some sort of meet-up or event in the UK—probably London.

Anyone in range and interested? I wouldn’t mind pulling something together if there was strong enough intent. Doesn’t have to be anything formal; open to hearing any ideas or suggestions.


I would be totally interested in this. I am moving back to London immenently, so would be great to connect with the protocol pilled. I will be up in Yorkshire until I find a place to live, but happy to make the journey.


Possibility I was considering yesterday was a mash-up of fieldwork, citizen science and tourist-y sightseeing. Assuming there’s 5-10 people, we could go for a walking tour of a particular area armed with something like the Protocol Watching guide. Something like:

  • Meet n’ greet and assemble prior to the walking tour
  • Do the tour, take notes etc.
  • Post-tour, same day, compare notes, get food and drink
  • Post-tour, later, process/publish/synthesis notes individually/collectively

Still interested? :wink: fancy something different?

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Added some sources of inspiration for the protocol scouting event over on Warpcast.

Timing wise, a 2-3 hour walking tour seems best—that could mean an AM thing plus coffee/lunch, or an afternoon thing plus drinks/dinner.

Currently, there’s 3 + me interested; another 2-3 needed to kick this into the next phase. Open to different formats.

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Curious how this goes! It might be fun to replicate in LA.

In LDN so happy to join!


Hey Arnold! Haven’t hit the numbers to make this viable, unfortunately.

Sorry I’ve been away! Pity we could not make the numbers but please reach out if you want to catch up for a coffee.

@msms did this happen? Btw this reminded me of this urban adventure I put together utilizing the DeED protocol

Example implementation I was envisioning
Participants will explore there city firsthand and share their takeaways on twitter with #DeEd, #myCity, #CITY_NAME and #UrbanAdventure101 so that other students, including those from other cohorts, can find their results. They will NOT use the internet, read books, or use any “maps” that others have created that interpret their city. The idea is for participants to use their own senses to understand the city as it is. That will involve observing, conducting interviews and exploring their urban environment to answer the question: what is the logic of _____?

A specific instance of this course can be instantiated to address a common logic. For example, what is the logic of or or for participants in different cities across the globe. For a cohort with participants in the same city, they may elect to explore the same major landmark to answer a question such as “what is the logic of the New York highline” or “what is the logic of the LA river” or “what is the logic of the Shard in London?” The focus on the “logic” of the city writ large or a specific aspect of the city is intentionally broad so that participants may use their creativity and more fully explore new aspects

The specific instance of this course may offer more specific parameters regarding the duration and requested presentation outputs for the course. In general though, this course may be completed in as little time as half a day or span many moons if the participants so wish. A cohort may decide to share their takeaways through a recorded video, written blog post or other media. Regardless, they are requested to share the outputs in a tweetstorm with the hashtags listed at the top of this document to make the results discoverable for others.

That tweetstorm should include at a minimum 1) a diagram directly answering the logic study 2) a map of the path the participant took to explore the question and 3) a picture that highlights a fun discovery or “a ha” moment or just something worth sharing.

Critical Protocols:

  • No use of the internet during the adventure
  • Phone must be used in airplane mode for the duration of the adventure
  • Learn the city by going into and exploring its “territory,” not reading and interpreting “maps” that others have made of the city

Potential DeEd parameters:

  • Award the entire cohort’s tuition to the student whose final tweetstorm gets the most “likes”

Nope. Didn’t hit enough numbers to make it work. That outline looks pretty solid—saves for later reference. :smiley: