Tacit management knowledge sharing in niche industries

The K2I Platform demonstrates how domain-specific knowledge can be harnessed to solve critical problems in water utility management. We use that in my day job and it’s a bit of a wonky tool but has a great underlying motivation. By facilitating global peer to peer management discussions, K2I creates actionable insights. However, the principles behind this approach can be generalized to other domains, particularly those reliant on tacit knowledge—the kind of expertise that is difficult to codify, often residing in the minds of practitioners and shaped by experience.

For example, consider urban planning in the face of climate change. Planners must integrate insights from ecologists, engineers, and community organizers to design resilient cities. Yet, much of this knowledge is unstructured, context-dependent, and difficult to share across disciplines. An open protocol like Ocean could enable the creation of decentralized knowledge repositories, where stakeholders contribute data, models, and insights in a secure, interoperable manner.