PILL: Brain computer protocols: between biomedia and digital media

Can you imagine our future communication to heavily rely on Brain-Computer-Interfaces(BCI) technologies? Does that make you immediately think about the Matrix trilogy? The technology enabling interaction between the human brain and the computers, of course, must function through protocols. In this non-fiction in-depth reporting project, I am going to tell you about the fascinating anatomy of BCI protocols, starting from a very interesting phenomenon in BCI’s development: BCI illiteracy.

What is BCI illiteracy? It’s the phenomenon that some 15 to 30% of the human brains have serious difficulties in using electroencephalography-based BCIs. The major reasons for this include the high individual invariability in brain structures, and also because different human beings use different cognitive strategies. This controversially-named problem will be used to show how BCI engineers and users construct Brain-Computer communication protocols, and the technological, neuroscientific, psychological, ethical and social complexities involved in their construction. The reporting will be based on personal interviews, desk research, and fieldwork.


BCI as protocol! BCI is no more sci-fi and already used in so many areas actually…

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