The Persistence of AI-Mediated Protocols

Protocol PILL RFC

100 word high-concept pitch:

In the near future, AI relentlessly optimizes human and AI-agent interactions, weaving strange protocols into the fabric of our lives. Initially perplexing, these protocols soon prove uncannily effective, seamlessly integrating into every facet of human experience. As their influence grows, becoming indelible in the collective consciousness, AI-mediated protocols begin permeating the physical world, reshaping our material culture in profound and unexpected ways. The boundary between the digital and tangible blurs, leaving us in a state of awe and unease as we ponder the implications of an AI-mediated future, where the line between human and machine becomes increasingly difficult to discern.

Pitch clarification:

My intention is to develop a series of maps or counter-maps, as the practice of counter-mapping itself can function as a weak protocol while potentially catalyzing the development of alternative protocols. By creating these maps, I aim to visualize and explore the ideas presented in the pitch.


What is this proposal for? A short story?

Thank you for your question. My intention is to develop a series of maps or counter-maps, as the practice of counter-mapping itself can function as a weak protocol while potentially catalyzing the development of alternative protocols. By creating these maps, I aim to visualize and explore the ideas presented in the pitch.

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Incorporate this clarification in the pitch please, so it’s easy for reviewers

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Hey @JohnGrant , Perhaps think about the key players behind the creation of the maps as well as those behind the creation of corresponding counter maps.

  • To what extent are their underlying assumptions and biases impacting the way they design their maps / counter maps?
  • Taking it a step further, how might your own assumptions and biases play into your creation of counter maps?
  • What might you be missing in your creation and who else could (should?) you involve when creating counter maps?

@Venkat asked if this was a lead to a short story. Even if that wasn’t your original intent, perhaps something that you could explore further.

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Thank you for your questions and feedback @Lenz

Maps inevitably reflect the perspectives of their makers. However, I’m drawn to maps precisely because the act of mapping itself can reveal layers often obscured in narrative forms, thereby exposing underlying assumptions and biases. This exposure provides a space that allows us to interrogate and critique these assumptions.

Maps offer an alternative medium for examining and challenging biases in our thinking. As the project progresses, I plan to share draft maps in this forum and invite feedback to challenge my assumptions and refine the work.

Maps, like all models, are inherently incomplete. They are simplifications that omit certain details and perspectives. However, this selectivity is also what gives maps their power as tools for understanding and communication.

By compressing information and highlighting key patterns, maps can render complex scenarios more legible and accessible. Unlike storytelling, where biases may be obscured in the narrative flow, visualizations can make certain underlying assumptions more apparent.

In addition to their ability to expose biases, the information compression inherent in maps allows them to be more easily adapted and enhanced by others. I believe this is one of the key benefits of mapmaking - it enables collaborative iteration and refinement over time. By involving diverse voices in the counter-mapping process, we can potentially uncover blind spots, incorporate new layers of insight, and create more robust and inclusive representations.

As a visual person, my interests lie in mapping and visual storytelling rather than writing. I intentionally structured the pitch to explore the scenario of AI-mediated protocols through the medium of maps and counter-maps. While I appreciate the creative potential of a short story, I lack confidence in my writing abilities.

Moreover, I believe mapping offers unique advantages for this exploration. It can reveal spatial patterns and allow for non-linear investigation by the viewer, potentially enabling a more immersive experience.

That being said, I’m certainly open to collaborating with writers who might be interested in translating insights from the mapping process into narrative form.

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In this context, the word “fabric” is used metaphorically to represent the fundamental structure of our lives - the fabric of society. The act of weaving symbolizes how AI-mediated protocols become deeply integrated into the foundation of our existence.

Your observation about the high frequency of the word “fabric” in ChatGPT’s output is intriguing. As someone exploring the impact of AI, I’d be interested in seeing the statistical evidence supporting your claim.

If you have come across any data or analysis regarding word frequency patterns in ChatGPT’s responses, can you share some references? This information could be valuable when mapping AI-mediated protocols.

I apologize for the skepticism earlier. It will be deleted soon.

This looks interesting. AI judges. I had a similar pitch but it’s not AI-related~

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