Some key (imo) protocol studies concepts, summed up. Mostly inspired by last summer’s research. These are really helping me frame my thinking these days. It’s not a MECE list yet (Missing some things like hardness, memory, standardization). They need some refinement and fine tuning, but are working well so far:
Protocols need people
Protocols are one part procedure, one part rules
Protocols don’t live forever
Protocols can calm hierarchical conflict by signal boosting
Vibes become protocols; protocols become architecture
The road to Hell is paved with well-intentioned protocols
Protocols stack
Protocol studies has something to do with game theory
I attempted to map the 12 principles or observations to:
Outcomes or Actions (Force)
Weak Protocols (Magnetic Field)
Weak Links (Electrical Resistance)
Tools - Heuristics, Rules of Thumb, Best Practices, etc (Electric Current)
Came to the realization the 12 principles align more naturally with the entire hand metaphor, the aging process of the hand, or metaphorical hand gestures, rather than fitting neatly into the categories on the map.