Hey everyone,
Here is an essay I finished drafting recently. You Never Truly Solve a Problem - Thoughfolio (symplectic.link)
My background is that, since I have heard about protocols from the early days of SoP, I kept wondering, how can these ideas help me in a concrete sense? Amid all of that initiate hype, I couldn’t hear myself thinking. So, I took a pause, and took time to grasp the concept under my own terms.
Recently I have had a bunch of experiences (namely, a hackathon) that put me on the path of many interesting concepts, like Autonomous Worlds.
Initially, I intended to write a piece on the topic of “problem solving” and get more precise about it, speaking about problem solving within a world to be specific and think about what that entails. And I found myself describing an artefact of problem solving in open worlds that is maps to protocols.
Another conclusion, I drew in this writing, is that protocols seem more like problem solving agents than solutions.
On another note (and based on that conclusion), I am experimenting with non-linear interactive storytelling as a form of research, implementing the ideas I described in another essay, Fragmented Exploratory Thinking as a Non-linear Interactive Story - Thoughfolio (symplectic.link). The story elaborates on the previous point in a sci-fi setup.
Now, I know that it is too late to apply for the SoP 2024 program, but I think that, the output of my experimentation is well aligned with it, as an artifact for protocol-pilling.
All in all, any feedback on my writings would be appreciated.