”Protocol for the Modern Diplomat”


Very interesting!

Host Country Culture

Outside the formal international diplomatic culture, another circle of customs and attitudes exists at the homes and private gatherings of host country citizens. Remember that as a guest, one is expected to respect the host’s culture. Culture, of course, is unique to each country. Researching publications that describe in detail the particular customs of your new post before your departure will facilitate the transition process.

[Followed by a list of potential Red Flag situations]

I would love to read those “researching publications”…

... some of which I've found following the links on the **Web Site Resources** section

From Protocol and Etiquette Articles - Protocol Professionals, Inc.:

It feels so weird to read about “entertaining” as an obligation. Feels so dystopian:

The ambassador fulfills the obligation for formal entertaining for the mission; however, many staff members often have entertaining responsibilities as well. The type of entertaining depends on one’s preferences, purpose, resources, and available facilities.

The book cited on page 18 is available on Internet Archive:

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