PIG: Restructure the Argentinian society protocol through long term innovation

1. Title:

Restructure the Argentinian society protocol through long term innovation.

2. Team member names:

Sun and Santi

4. Short summary of your improvement idea

We are the mu, a dev-focused global community organizing pop-up cities all over the world.

mu events are designed as a playground for open-source builders, trustless maxis and all sorts of talented individuals from different forefront of technologies, NGOs, social initiatives, and governance. We received great feedback from our community, which shares our goal of supporting long-term builders solving real world problems.

Our first iteration was muChang Mai, a 6-week co-living and co-working event in the outskirts of Chang Mai, Thailand. We had over 80 permanent residents living together in Chiangmai and more than 500 people participating of different activities.

The second iteration was muBuenos, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This event is still ongoing, running for 6 weeks between 19th of March and 28th of April. We gathered talents around the world and locally together in our muBuenos hub, a 150 people co-working space, to address Argentina challenges, exchange knowledge, and build solutions.

This was a great success. We received a lot of positive feedbacks from our international community. And we learned a lot from local community. But most importantly, we managed to merge both communities, creating long-term relationship and deep trust between participants coming from abroad and local people.

However, we noticed 6 weeks are not enough to have the level of impact we are looking for. So we will turn muBuenos into a 2 year space in Buenos Aires. This space will be playing the role of a lighthouse. A place to bring individuals and communities together to focus on creating actual solutions for existing problems. It will also attract oversea supporters who are willing to enter Argentina society to learn and build and contribute using their own expertise.

The experiment will provide an exceptional and unique case study to understand:

  • how Argentina’s social and economic protocols work
  • how crypto individuals react to their social and economic environments
  • how a global community of builders and support can help empower local builders and create real solutions to Argentina’s problems

5. Answers to the following questions. Please structure the body in explicit Q&A form.

1. What is the existing target protocol you are hoping to improve or enhance? Eg: hand-washing, traffic system, connector standards, carbon trading.

We expect running the space will help us gain deep understanding of Argentinian society and how a global community of builders and supporters can help fix its problems. We want to study its culture and economics, and develop frameworks that hacktivist and entrepreneur can use to be more effective in creating impact.

1. What is the core idea or insight about potential improvement you want to pursue?

We believe Argentina can highly benefit from crypto applications, and that Argentinian builders can highly benefit from a global community of support. By creating a long-term hub, we will gain a much better understanding of Argentina’s intricacies and will therefore be able to support in a much more effective way.

2. What is your discovery methodology for investigating the current state of the target protocol? Eg: field observation, expert interviews, historical data analysis, failure event analysis

We are deeply engaged in local community, Santi is born and raised from Buenos Aires where he knows a lot of existing challenges. And Sun is from overseas, bringing connection and support from outside Argentina.

This space bring several local communities and institutions together, so we will have plenty of empirical observation, together with room for knowledge sharing and deep analytical exchanges. Having a long term hub will provide a unique opportunity to dive deeply into the protocols we want to study.

We will collaborate with local NGOs to gain more understanding of the problems they are trying to solve. We also have Buenos Aires local government involved to make this change, sharing experiences from their past experiments, and involving us in their current solutions.

Last but not least, it’s worth mentioning that while we while be deeply connected to local people and insight, we will also have part of the team and community abroad, to provide an additional perspective that’s not biased by proximity to the object of study.

3. In what form will you prototype your improvement idea? Eg: Code, reference design implementation, draft proposal shared with experts for feedback, A/B test of ideas with a test audience, prototype hardware, etc.

There are two ways in which we will prototype our idea:

  • The Hub itslef: our innovation hub will act as a lighthouse for people that share our interest to understand argentinian economic and social protocols. It will gather intellectuals and builders from all fields, providing an incredible source of knowledge itself. Learnings while be open to everyone participating and spread through out our international community.

  • Media and documentation: we will work very hard on creating media around our efforts, both to attract thinkers and changemakers and to leave a track of our impact and learnings.

4. How will you field-test your improvement idea? Eg: run a restricted pilot at an event, simulation, workshop, etc.

Our first test was muBuenos, the 6 week gathering we are going through. The long-term hub will be a test itself, providing valuable opportunities for experimentation of different subjects.

To follow summer of protocols program we will carry on several surveys, interviews and workshops to gather feedback from participants.

Since our project is very experimental, is hard to anticipate the questions we will ask. Coming up with the right testing design is part of the experiment as well.

5. Who will be able to judge the quality of your output? Ideally name a few suitable judges

Local community will be the main judge. Everything we will do will be openly shared and proposed for discussion so we can engage as deeply as possible with involved stakeholders. Our international community and partners will provide additional perspective on the results of our efforts.

6. How will you publish and evangelize your improvement idea? Eg: Submit proposal to a standards body, publish open-source code, produce and release a software development kit etc.

We will create several pieces of media on different formats. We will also come up with a long-form report and a builder framework for international builders to quickly understand Argentina’s culture and economics.

7. What is the success vision for your idea?

If we are successful we can change Argentina forever, making it a hotbed for crypto innovators from all over the world.

More tangible outcomes are:

  • local builders we support creating successful products and receiving investments
  • local government investing in infrastructure or regulation to support builders
  • international builders using our framework to launch their products in Argentina
  • global community gaining interest in Argentina as a result of our media efforts

As a proud Argentine, I have some questions about the scoping of this proposal.

Would love to discuss! Whats your concern?

You can’t just wave your hands at a country of 46million people (more than half of them below the poverty line, no less) and say, “we’re gonna study… all this… and technosolutionize… all of it. With protocols.”

Has the Mu program in Buenos Aires thus far produced any analyses about any specific and concrete problems that have been validated as worth addressing with protocol design or protocol research? Or are we just vaguely milking the persist [colonial] narrative that “crypto” “helps” “people” in “currency-impaired countries” like Argentina and Lebanon and Nigeria?

I’d rather see some research on actually unique events in socioeconomic history that happened in Argentina than see more money go to an incubator to capitalize commercial ideas.

I totally agree with what you brought up and this is exactly what we are concerned as well. I use to work in global humanitarian NGOs, and knows exactly the frustration you are having atm.

Thats why we don’t want this to be a gathering of blockchain fanboys but a space for actual discussions, building solutions and education opportunties.
We invited local NGOs, universities, politicians and more to join the space in the past few weeks to share and discuss their past approaches. And how can the new tech can make things better.
A lot of local projects joined our space and have been building together for the past 6 weeks, and one of their main concerns they faced was lack of funding. So we wanted to help on that.
Finally we also invited local high school students to learn about blockchain and answer their questions about tech, and the kids loved it. They will be coming back more often and we will provide free coding camps for everyone in the long term space.

All these reasons above shows the importance of having a long term space thats neutral for people to gather and share and collaborate together. All these are requested by the local community after they experienced the six weeks of muBuenos not by “waving our hands” at them. You should join and learn more if you are really interested to make changes. :+1: