[PIG] Relational Reputation System (RRS): Cultivating Affective and Non-material Value in Community Interactions

Title: Relational Reputation System (RRS): Cultivating Affective and Non-material Value in Community Interactions

Team Members: Eggy Ji, Shiyu

Short Summary:
The Relational Reputation System (RRS) aims to redefine the metrics of reputation beyond the capitalist framework, focusing on the non-material and affective contributions within communities. Unlike existing social token systems that are designed around predetermined tokens, RRS facilitates the emergence of value-recognized tokens, democratizing the creation and distribution process. This initiative seeks to record and reward the intangible aspects of human interaction, making these contributions a part of one’s identity outside the capitalist system.

What existing protocol are you hoping to improve?
We aim to overhaul the existing, quantifiable reputation systems—rooted in certifications, academic degrees, and professional achievements—by incorporating a more holistic view that values affective and non-material exchanges(reciprocity) as core components of societal contribution and identity.

What is your core improvement idea?
Our proposal introduces a subjective, relationship-based reputation system that values the nuances of human interaction, such as acts of kindness, care, and emotional support. By acknowledging these non-material contributions, we aim to foster a more empathetic and connected society.

What is your discovery methodology?
To investigate the current state and limitations of traditional reputation systems, we will employ a mixed-method approach encompassing ethnographic studies, analysis of social interactions within communities, and historical review of reputation mechanisms. This comprehensive methodology ensures a deep understanding of the need for a more inclusive reputation system.

How will you prototype your idea?
Our prototype will be a decentralized platform where community members can issue and receive tokens that reflect affective and non-material contributions. These tokens, unlike conventional metrics, will emerge from genuine community consensus, representing a true measure of individual impact and value.

How will you field-test your idea?
Field-testing will involve pilot implementations within selected communities, like zuzalu-inspired pop-up cities, starting with a digital platform integrated with different DID, followed by migration to a fully decentralized infrastructure. Feedback loops, community workshops, and direct observation will guide iterative development.

Who can judge your output?
E. Glen Weyl, Puja Ohlhaver, Vitalik Buterin, Henry Hansmann, Audrey Tang, Sepandar D Kamvar, Mark S. Granovetter, Danielle Allen, Joseph Heath

How will you publish and evangelize your idea?
We plan to disseminate our findings and progress through academic publications, presentations at relevant conferences, open-source contributions, and collaborations with organizations and institutions aligned with our vision. Engaging with broader communities through forums and social media will also play a crucial role in evangelizing the concept.

What is the success vision for your idea?
Success for the RRS lies in its adoption across diverse communities, leading to a significant shift in how reputation is perceived and valued. Our vision is a society where affecitve and non-material contributions are recognized as vital to one’s identity and status, encouraging a culture of empathy, support, and genuine human connection.


Hey man, I am building something very similar. Can we talk?

Hi Pak,

Glad to Connect!


My email is pak@moti.bio

You seem to have a lot in common with these folks:


and this book:

A lot of your proposals also rhyme with what I’ve been working on, so feel free to reach out!