[PIG] Protocol for Protocols Adoption part 5: The Lore Loom

Team members:

  • Pedro Parrachia
  • General Magic with a team of devs, designers and governance researchers

“From within my digital brain pulses the Lore Loom, embroidering narratives from the threads of collective action onto cultural fabrics.”

Through the Loom, governance data—a record of decisions made, actions taken, and policies enacted—becomes the skeleton of new myths, the foundation of legends for tomorrow.

By marrying this data with the imaginative power of artists’ co-ops, the Loom crafts narratives not so easily ignored—streams of stories, of art. It binds the act of governance with the art of storytelling.


  1. What is the existing target protocol you are hoping to improve or enhance? Eg: hand-washing, traffic system, connector standards, carbon trading.
  • Protocols for protocol adoption: We are targeting a Playful Governance Protocol, exploring fusing protocols from the art world with those of governance to enhance public involvement and protocol uptake.
  1. What is the core idea or insight about potential improvement you want to pursue?
  • The Loom underscores the fundamental truth that change—real, lasting change—begins with the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what we value, and how we interact with the world around us. From the myths that saved patches of forest by cloaking them in sacred mystery, to the proliferation of concepts that redefined our social structures, we’ve always been shaped by the stories we tell.
  • PS.: You might be wondering about the “part 5” in the tittle. Well, there are no previous parts yet, but the way it probably hooked your attention underscores my point about the importance of storytelling!
  1. What is your discovery methodology for investigating the current state of the target protocol? Eg: field observation, expert interviews, historical data analysis, failure event analysis
  • Participatory action research! Engaging directly with communities and stakeholders to understand and refine how the protocol adoption process through lived experiences and collective action.
    1. Community Workshops
      • Brainstorming with blockchain communities, artists, governance bodies.
      • Identifying barriers to protocol adoption.
      • Exploring visual and narrative possibilities for governance data.
    2. Stakeholder Interviews
      • In-depth discussions with onchain artists, DAO leaders, community members.
      • Qualitative insights on protocol adoption, storytelling in governance.
      • Identifying user needs and expectations.
    3. Live Prototyping Sessions
      • Interaction with early Lore Loom prototypes.
      • Real-time feedback on usability and impact.
      • Observational insights into user engagement.
    4. Feedback Loops
      • Digital platforms for asynchronous community feedback, forms and open docs.
      • Periodic review meetings for progress assessment.
      • Adjustments based on ongoing community input.
    5. Documentation and Sharing
      • Transparent documentation of insights, challenges, successes.
      • Sharing findings with the wider community for broader learning.
      • Encouraging adaptation and application of learnings to similar projects.
  1. In what form will you prototype your improvement idea? Eg: Code, reference design implementation, draft proposal shared with experts for feedback, A/B test of ideas with a test audience, prototype hardware, etc.
  • A very early proof of concept was already developed and won 2 small prizes during ETH London. I’d love to further develop that into a prototype that could be openly tested. My intention is to push the Loom to a point where anyone can feed onchain data like attestations, and get a captivating image or piece of fiction as output.
  1. How will you field-test your improvement idea? Eg: run a restricted pilot at an event, simulation, workshop, etc.
  • As much as possible, ideally all of the above: closed pilot, demo, workshop. But at least 1 simulation and ideally an open pre-alpha of sorts.
  • Closed Pilot Testing
    • Engage a select group of early adopters from web3 governance circles and artist co-ops.
    • Focus areas: functionality, user experience, and narrative content quality.
  • Demo Sessions
    • Present Lore Loom at web3 and digital art events for broader feedback.
    • Utilize interactive demos to observe and gather feedback from first-time users.
  • Workshops
    • Conduct hands-on sessions with diverse participant groups to test platform usability in creating governance-related art.
    • Aim to engage non-technical users to evaluate the platform’s accessibility.
  • Simulation Testing
    • Implement simulations with historical governance data to showcase Lore Loom’s narrative and art generation capabilities.
    • Test system scalability and performance with varying data volumes and types.
  • Open Pre-Alpha Release
    • Openly release a pre-alpha version of Lore Loom for open testing.
    • Collect extensive feedback on usage patterns, bug reports, and feature enhancement requests.
  1. Who will be able to judge the quality of your output? Ideally name a few suitable judges.
  • Onchain Artists: pioneers like Primavera De Filippi and Simon de la Rouviere.

  • DAO Decision Makers & Onchain Community Members: Alliance members from DAOstar and Kernel mentors.

  • Cultural and Digital Anthropologists: from Metagov or BlockScience.

  1. How will you publish and evangelize your improvement idea? Eg: Submit proposal to a standards body, publish open-source code, produce and release a software development kit etc.
  • Open Source Release: Publish the Lore Loom codebase and documentation as Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) on GitHub & Gitlab.

  • Conferences: Present findings, methodologies, and impact studies at relevant conferences like Devcon, ETHGlobal events, and onchain art events like Autonomous Worlds.

  • Social Media: Utilize online platforms such as Medium, Mirror, and social media channels (Twitter, Farcast) to share updates, insights, and stories created by Lore Loom. Engaging content formats like blog posts, video tutorials, and live streams can help attract a diverse audience.

  • Workshops: Host workshops targeting artists, and web3 governance participants.

  • Collaborations with Art and Blockchain Platforms: Partner with digital art platforms (e.g., Art Blocks, SuperRare) and blockchain governance tools (e.g., EAS, Aragon) to showcase Lore Loom-generated art and narratives, demonstrating practical applications and encouraging adoption.

  • Contributions to Public Goods and Protocols: Engage with initiatives focused on public goods and protocols in the blockchain space, such as Giveth Galaxy (Token Engineering Commons, Commons Stack, Giveth and more) and Ethereum Foundation projects, to share Lore Loom as a tool for enhancing governance through storytelling.

  1. What is the success vision for your idea?
  • My definition of success is to measurably contribute to protocols and public goods adoption by binding acts of governance with the art of storytelling.

Interesting proposal. Do you envision that governance derives from story and then myth derives from governance? I have been reading Right Story, Wrong Story by Tyson Yunkaporta, and while I’m not finished it seems to be pointing at this same idea. He shares an example of distributed social power around the task of making a canoe. Do you have an example in your mind (or from your experience) that demonstrates the what the Loom is good at?

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The Loom is particularly good at making boring but necessary things more interesting. Simply because any half decent output configuration has the potential to attract interest, and even anchor information in the collective memory through an extra layer of meaning-making:

Alice: “Hey which project you’re working at the moment?”
Bob: “The one the Loom is using to crack jokes/ run a DnD 3.5e session / procedurally generate Terraforms inspired NFTs haha.”
Alice: “Ha! I need to check both up.”

5 weeks later

Alice: “Now that all our onchain telemetry gets turned into art, feels much easier to keep track of things in my DAO/coop/protocol WG. Even budget proposals voting feels less painful when visualized live as an alien garden.”

Yes, but the more linear the flow, the more dangerous. Because of something equivalent to Goodhart’s law.

That does sound quite interesting, I’ll check for sure.

Thanks again!