PIG:Impact Validation Protocol

Impact Validation Protocol

Gitonga Miriam
Agnes Koinange


The Impact Validation Protocol addresses a critical and deeply rooted issue within the philanthropic sector. It proposes a transformative approach by leveraging decentralised technology to ensure transparency and accountability in philanthropic activities. Using a decentralised framework with signed attestations displayed on a social graph and stored in the Ceramic network, the cryptographic-signed proof is used, compatible with EAS off-chain storage, including attestations for Hypercerts.

Q.Existing target protocol you are hoping to improve or enhance?

Impact Validation Protocol. Our validation protocol moves beyond the traditional reliance on organisational reports and unverified claims towards a system where proof of impact is immutable, transparent, and publicly verifiable.

Q. Core idea or insight about potential improvement you want to pursue?

The current system for impact validation in the philanthropic sector is not effective, relying on siloed organizational reports and unverifiable claims. This lack of transparency and accountability makes it difficult for donors to make informed decisions and for effective interventions to receive the support they deserve. The WE Charity’s donor deception in Kenya Documentary elaborates on the lack of transparency in charities and the philanthropic sector in Kenya.

Having recipients verify the impact of charitable initiatives on an open, decentralised ledger gives them real leverage over the use of funds, and publishing evidence anchored to a blockchain prevents duplication of photos sent to donors.

Q. Discovery methodology for investigating the current state of the target protocol?

Lived experience: Gitonga lives in Nairobi, has worked extensively in Kibera, and has observed the lack of clean water and “flying toilets” that NGO’s have failed to solve.
Anecdotal research: studying the WE Charity scandal.

Field-testing: LinkedTrust’s protocol, using granular attestations and social graph relationships, enabled Voice of a Child to validate the impact of relief efforts in Northern Syria after the 2023 earthquakes. This led to Voice of a Child providing $6,550 to fund a kindergarten for children and a training centre for refugees, demonstrating our solution’s potential in challenging contexts.

Q. In what form will you prototype your improvement idea?

Our reference implementation will use the open LinkedClaim vocabulary published to the decentralised Ceramic Network to validate the work of three different nonprofits, including photo evidence with signed metadata using ProofMode. The output will be an explorable graph of evidence and attestations, which can be rolled up, summarised, or examined in detail, including the cryptographic signatures. A live prototype is available at live.linkedtrust.us and needs UI/UX improvements and proofmode integration.

Q. How will you field-test your improvement idea?

We will validate the work of Voice of a Child in Nigeria, and Community Climate Trees in Costa Rica, compellingly demonstrating impact validity across different regions and purposes. Combining Proofmode photos and existing photo evidence anchored to the blockchain with corroborating attestations will exercise the idea in a robust real-world situation with a busy and low-overhead-effective nonprofit.

Q. Who will be able to judge the quality of your output?

Nonprofits: Kirit Dave of Voice of a Child & Jenny of Community Climate Trees.
High level: John Gonzalez & Wynne Chan from Candid/Guidestar.
Technical: Raymond Cheng & Marc Johnson, Hypercerts

Q. How will you publish and evangelise your improvement idea?

Automate publishing attestations/photos on social media
Embed in reports and present at conferences
Host workshops with relevant organizations
Publish protocol on a dedicated website and GitHub repository
Produce and distribute whitepaper through academic platforms, industry websites, and protocol’s communication channels

Q. What is the success vision of your idea?

If adopted in Kibera, it promises clean water, sanitation, and opportunities, transforming it from Africa’s largest slum into a thriving community. So we aim to;

Widespread adoption by NGOs, philanthropic organizations, and donors worldwide
Empower donors to make informed decisions based on verifiable impact data
Foster transparency and accountability in nonprofits
Increase public trust in charitable organizations and initiatives
Drive resources towards effective grassroots NGOs and interventions


Love the direction you’re heading! Are you familiar with hypercerts and am curious if you’ve any thoughts on it as a protocol for impact validation. Thanks!


Yes, I have updated the draft and added more information. I am familiar with hypercerts I will look into that and give you concrete feedback. Thank you so much for your comment.

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On the framing side:
And on the technical side:

And on the prior art side, I know some grant-funded work on impact-measurement in global south philanthropy was undertaken with GiZ and other tech-grant moneys by a little prototyping/do-tanky group in Berlin called groots. happy put you in touch with the founder if you end up working on this.


Hello there, Sorry for the late reply. Yes thank you, I would love to be in touch with the founder and it would be exciting to collaborate with them possibly by attesting the impact they are having. Thank you!

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This is great.

I am Kenechukwu fro Nigeria. By the end of this month, I am using LinkedTrust and ProofMode to validate the impact of the Voice of a Child in Nigeria. I should be using ProofMode app to validate pictures and videos. I love the easy accessibility in form of an application.

So by the end of the month of beginning of next, I should be in Ebonyi, Nigeria to do some validations with LinkedTrust X ProofMode as my tools for validation. It would be my first time making of ProofMode, let see how it goes. Yippe!!!


I am Mohammed , im using LinkedTrust to validate a project by VOC at the syrian border , its a KG for the children who are suffering from the Syrian war , i love this platform its allow you to validate pictures and videos by easy way , thanks for the platform, its making a big difference in the ground .


Thank you so much Mohammed for being one of the trusted grassroots people who helped us run our pilot in partnership with the Voice of a Child Organization in Syria.

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Thank you so much, Kene for endorsing our LinkedTrust system.

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I’m interested in applying this to the civic engagement space, where people may be working hard on the ground and not have time to self-promote - this allows others with real credibility to attest to and elevate projects of importance.


Love the Impact Validation Protocol proposal! Decentralized verification can revolutionize trust in charities. Imagine using this to track educational initiatives! We could ensure after-school programs truly deliver promised resources, boosting transparency and impact.


I would love to add this concept in my https://traveltribefolks.com to increase trustability between travellers if two or more people travelled together or not and where they travelled.

Looking forward to work with you guys.


Despite the highly technical description full of jargon I don’t understand, this project seems to be tackling a global issue: the flow of donations, from something small like a bag of rice to something large like equipping every primary school in a country with limited electricity with desktop computers (which, by the way I was told were eaten and carried away by rats – true story!).

I’d love to see the results of this project applied to local initiatives here in Southeast Asia someday.


Nice one! Often, the people doing the most important work on the ground are so focused on their mission that they don’t have the time or resources to promote their own efforts. This can lead to a lack of visibility and recognition for their hard work. It could be great if community leaders, volunteers, or even beneficiaries could easily validate and vouch for the work being done by these civic engagement projects.


OSO seems to be an excellent framework for collaboration through validations and impact scores. We’re currently integrating with OpenCollective’s API to gather expenses and validations, and working with Nathan Hewitt to display this info in the interface for donors. We’re also collaborating with Verity Platform to validate corporate engagements. Linked Claims, a lightweight component for validating anything with an address or URI, are published openly on the Ceramic Network. We’re excited about integrating with OSO and related projects to enable permissionless validation of impact metrics


Hi @Gitonga1 you should also see Gitcoin grant application thats open now for projects using hypercerts tech: Gitcoin | Builder


This is an extremely important problem to solve. I was shocked to learn from someone close to me the ways in which fund misusage is so easily covered up, and how frequent it is. The ones it hurts the most are the ones that need it the most. I really want to see this succeed.


Hello @noahchonlee Thank you so much for the pointer I will check it out and apply thank you.

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Hi @Youngnishant it would be so nice for this to be intergrated and be used.thanks!


Hi @Stephn the level of cover up being done in charity sector is way beyond what you can imagine and it’ involves a lot.Having lived in Kibera and worked handy with organisations I can clearly tell you the donor deception going on is mind blowing.

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