ISO Standard as Marketing

Noticed yesterday that Purolator has an ISO standard printed on the front of its trucks. β€œISO 9001” the front right panel.

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This was really common in India (atleast in the 2000s and early 2010s, not sure if it has changed now). Most TV ads for equipment, even things such as rice cookers, ended with the narrator talking about the ISO certification of the product or company. I think it acted as a legibility marker in an environment that does not have huge centralized organizations for consumer support.


Wow, so the ISO acted like an international substitute for a domestic consumer protection agency. Plus you have to pay for ISO certifications, so there’s some skin in the game.

I’m not sure how easy they are to maintain / fake compliance. I know some people have gripes about easy it is to show compliance with COR certifications (for safety).

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