Galerie Yeche Lange - Curated NFT Platform and Manhattan Gallery

Galerie Yeche Lange is a curated platform for NFTs launching it’s New York exhibition space in May of 2024.


Jared Madere- Artist, Curator, Founder

Wretched Worm- Artist, Curator, Founder

Miles Peyton- Developer, Artist

Supermetal Bosch- Artist, Collaborator

Anastasios Karnazes- Writer


Create a vibrant cultural space in Manhattan that authentically participates in the downtown art scene while functioning as a site to onboard new audiences to the future of the digital art world in a way that is legible to the actual New York and European art world in their own language while exposing the traditional art world to the most radical art on chain.

  1. What is the existing target protocol you are hoping to improve or enhance? Eg: hand-washing, traffic system, connector standards, carbon trading.

We aim to create an authentic bridge between the most radical corners of the universe of NFTs and the Contemporary Art World. Previous attempts to do this have been goofy and tone deaf- our team is meaningfully embedded in both realms.

  1. What is the core idea or insight about potential improvement you want to pursue?

We aim to actually make NFTs look cool and show the traditional Contemporary Art World the radical potential that exists in taking NFTs more seriously- this is easy for us because 1. we are cool 2. we show the coolest NFTs 3. we have credibility in the NFT sphere as well as the New York art world.

  1. What is your discovery methodology for investigating the current state of the target protocol? Eg: field observation, expert interviews, historical data analysis, failure event analysis

We live in the art world and built our careers in it. We live in the universe of NFTs and build our careers in it- we are native to both worlds and remain constantly engaged in both.

  1. In what form will you prototype your improvement idea? Eg: Code, reference design implementation, draft proposal shared with experts for feedback, A/B test of ideas with a test audience, prototype hardware, etc.

We will create a variety of online and physical experiences that focus on multiple audiences and debut them through our online platform and New York gallery location in tandem.

  1. How will you field-test your improvement idea? Eg: run a restricted pilot at an event, simulation, workshop, etc.

We will host monthly openings at out gallery in New York in tandem with the launch of NFT projects on our digital platform. Based on the results of each opening and NFT launch we will refine our approach to expanding our audience, delivering our message, and onboarding a larger demographic.

  1. Who will be able to judge the quality of your output? Ideally name a few suitable judges.

The new editor of Art Forum ( Tina Rivers Ryan) based in New York is pro-nft - this is a first for a very influential yet consistently anti-tech cultural publication. This gives us a huge opportunity to speak to the community at the heart of the international art world and show a convincing case for NFTs as the future of art in a way that nobody has successfully been able to to communicate to that art world. You will know we have been successful when downtown kids, curators, and writers all realize that NFTs are a thrilling and radical medium and begin to truly realize that they are the future of art.

  1. How will you publish and evangelize your improvement idea? Eg: Submit proposal to a standards body, publish open-source code, produce and release a software development kit etc.

We will evangelize our position that radical NFTs are the future of the Contemporary Art World by hosting exhibitions in our Manhattan gallery located at 11 Broadway. We will also host panel discussions, screenings, and other public outreach and onboarding activities including automatic wallet setup for visitors who have not been initiated into crypto and free welcome NFTs.

  1. What is the success vision for your idea?

People outside of the cultural sphere of crypto realize what a thrilling and vibrant space it is culturally and everything that can be gained by merging the world of radical NFTs and the universe of traditional Contemporary Art.


We launched Galerie Yeche Lange in May of 2022 after conceptualizing and building the project for nine months. The gallery has had debuted projects in many formats including a 3D environment built for our exhibition School of Truth that included proximity chat, embodied avatars, and a complex implementation of an auction protocol on ETH mainnet.

In April of 2024 we hosted our first physical event in New York at the art critic Dean Kissick’s new library space EARTH, a tournament for NFT artist Supermetal Bosch’s physical board game Super Metal Mons.

In May of 2024 we will open our first permanent permanent physical gallery in New York at 11 Broadway infront of the infamous Wall Street Bull statue.

We remain committed to our mission of articulating and defining the future of the art world in it’s digital form to the traditional New York and European art world while creating an effective bridge between these worlds that truly speaks both languages.

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