All code is ideology solidified into action Taking some of the content off the blog and moving it to more traditional media outlets, so academics can link to it :wink:

A river that needs crossing political and tech โ€“ On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over complexity

All code is ideology solidified into action โ€“ most contemporary code is capitalism, this is hardly a surprise if you think about this for a moment. Yes you can try and act on any ideology on top of this code but the outcome and assumptions are preprogramedโ€ฆ cant find any good links on this.

In the era of protocols this is more important than ever, an example text on social technology:

  • The #nostr crew are the children of #web3 mess, they are a bit reformed, letโ€™s see.

  • Then the #BlueSky are the reformed children of the #dotcons (dotcons โ€“ Hamish Campbell)

  • The #fediverse with #activertypub is the child of the #openweb

  • #dat is a child of the #geekproblem (geekproblem โ€“ Hamish Campbell) if it is reformed or not, maybe you can maybe tell me?

  • #SSB was a wild child, now sickly/lonely with the fashionable kids gathering round #nostr

  • #p2p was the poster child of the era of the #openweb it was caught in the quicksand of legal issues, the shadow that was left was eclipsed by โ€œfree to useโ€ #dotcons Now finds it hard to come back due to mobile devices not having an IP address, thus most people not actually able to use p2p reliably.

I would like to have an article published people could link to, have academics wonting to use my blog but find it hard to link to individual voices (this is a problem of #mainstreaming ideas and active #blocking of alt views)


Drawn to these examples, Iโ€™m somewhat familiar with #nostr and #p2p and would love to learn more about the others.

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  • ActivityPub is a serendipity native protocol, this is very rear and should be spread with much LOVE
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