Two articles that go well together:
" Hyperstructures take the form of protocols that run on blockchains. Something can be considered a hyperstructure if it is:
- Unstoppable: the protocol cannot be stopped by anyone. It runs for as long as the underlying blockchain exists.
- Free: there is a 0% protocol wide fee and runs exactly at gas cost.
- Valuable: accrues value which is accessible and exitable by the owners.
- Expansive: there are built-in incentives for participants in the protocol.
- Permissionless: universally accessible and censorship resistant. Builders and users cannot be deplatformed.
- Positive sum: it creates a win-win environment for participants to utilize the same infrastrastructure.
- Credibly neutral: the protocol is user-agnostic."
"… I want to argue that the core to combating disorder is restoring public control of public space .
Public control of public space, recall, is not a natural phenomenon. It is something that is facilitated by formal and informal institutions. In the context of disorder, social control is about the sense of whether or not everyone has the right to use some public space or utility, or whether some private individual has excluded everyone else from its use unfairly."