RSS All The Things
Team Member Names:
- E. Ramona Waldman
- Steve Waldman
Short Summary of Idea:
RSS is an enormously flexible protocol whose potential was occluded when proprietary social media drew internet creativity onto platforms.
Now that the limitations and predations of proprietary platforms have become clear, we think the time is ripe to explore how RSS might be extended to organize public, network-scale applications that might occlude the proprietary platforms.
Response to Questions:
The protocol we wish to improve is building public, network-scale applications around RSS.
RSS is an existing standard, and, at version 2.0.x, is in its way complete. We do not propose to modify that specification.
RSS is designed to be extended, however. The RSS specification served as the core of a set of conventions that made possible one of the great decentralized internet applications, the commonwealth of letters known as the blogosphere. More recently it has been extended — in just the way it was designed to be extended — to support a new set of conventions and a new decentralized, network-scale application: podcasting.
Our insight, or conjecture, is that RSS represents a solid foundation for a wide variety of such applications, one that invites the emergence of new protocols because it is simple to work with, and permits diverse users to pick and choose what and how they wish to support extensions to the simple foundation at its core. We think, had proprietary platforms not drawn users and developers away, better versions of the applications those platforms now provide would have emerged on top of RSS. We seek simply to jumpstart a resumption of that process.
Our methodology will be simply construction in public, of extensions to RSS under the terms the RSS specification foresees, and prototype applications demonstrating and supporting those extensions.
We hope to produce:
- A set of draft extensions to RSS, some as very general enrichments, some for applications including blogging and microblogging (reorganized and enhanced), online reviews, and some (not all) aspects of social media.
- A prototype server for dynamic, RSS-first applications. (RSS-first meaning RSS is the canonical expression and logical storage format, rather than metadata accompanying and describing some other application.)
To field test our work, we mean to first “dogfood” it (one of us runs a menagerie of blogs he would replace), and hopefully leverage our collaboration with Summer Of Protocols to inspire interest in standing up fledging, interoperating RSS services as forums for hosting their own creative work — and the work of commenters and collaborators. We would publish text (descriptions of the projects, extensions to RSS), and an open-source reference implementation.
We’d hope nearly anyone familiar with conversation and creativity online could judge the quality of the output. Much of what we are up to is pushing forward the vision of RSS pioneer Dave Winer, who for example is thinking about applications like textcasting and artcasting. If he is willing (we have not been in touch), he would be a great judge and collaborator.
The success vision is emergence of a variety of new, nonproprietary, applications controlled by creators rather than infrastructure providers, replacing existing platform-bound applications, and doing things we’ve not yet imagined.
Other notes:
A perhaps fuller description than this is available here, where we have begun to organize and brainstorm.
We are husband and wife proposing to collaborate.