Job3 Protocol: Decentralised Recruitment and Talent Network on the Blockchain

Team member names

  • Chen Wei

  • Annie Lee

Short summary of your improvement idea

The traditional recruitment process is plagued with inefficiencies and a lack of transparency, leading to high costs and difficulty in reaching the right candidates. Job3 Protocol aims to revolutionize this space by leveraging blockchain technology to create a decentralized, transparent, and efficient recruitment and talent network.

What is the existing target protocol you are hoping to improve or enhance?

The traditional recruitment and hiring process; specifically, the fragmented and opaque distribution of job postings and the challenges in effectively connecting employers with suitable candidates.

What is the core idea or insight about potential improvement you want to pursue?

By utilizing blockchain technology and smart contracts, Job3 Protocol can streamline the recruitment process, ensuring that job postings are verified and accessible to a global talent pool. This approach not only reduces the need for multiple listings across different platforms but also introduces a reward system for successful candidate referrals, incentivizing network expansion and quality hires.

Key concepts:

  • Participants in the protocol include: publishers, service providers, referrers, and applicants;

  • By deploying smart contracts, a unified public database open to global users is established;

  • Multiple forms of information authenticity verification methods are provided, such as binding to social media accounts or through HTTPS certificate signatures;

  • Based on the unified public database, it is possible to achieve a global reach with a single publication, tapping into a worldwide pool of talent;

  • Recruitment service providers can offer information publishing and retrieval services, and charge users for these services;

  • Publishers pledge a referral incentive bonus through smart contracts, and upon the successful onboarding of a candidate, the referrer can claim the reward.

What is your discovery methodology for investigating the current state of the target protocol?

We will conduct a thorough analysis of the current recruitment industry, including interviews with HR professionals, job seekers, and recruitment agencies. Additionally, we will review existing blockchain-based recruitment solutions and identify areas where Job3 Protocol can offer unique value.

In what form will you prototype your improvement idea? Eg: Code, reference design implementation, draft proposal shared with experts for feedback, A/B test of ideas with a test audience, prototype hardware, etc.

Our prototype will consist of a functional smart contract deployed on a blockchain testnet, accompanied by a detailed white paper outlining the protocol’s architecture and potential integration points with existing recruitment platforms. We will also develop a user interface mockup to demonstrate how the protocol can be accessed and utilized by various stakeholders.

How will you field-test your improvement idea?

We plan to partner with a select group of early-adopter companies and job seekers to pilot the Job3 Protocol. This pilot will involve publishing job listings, referring candidates, and tracking the success of hires. Feedback from this pilot will be used to refine the protocol before a wider launch.

Who will be able to judge the quality of your output? Ideally name a few suitable judges.

Tang Han, Co-Founder of SeeDAO

@forgivenever,Co-Founder of Conflux network.

How will you publish and evangelize your improvement idea? Eg: Submit proposal to a standards body, publish open-source code, produce and release a software development kit etc.

We will publish our white paper and open-source code on GitHub, making it accessible for review and contribution by the global community. Additionally, we will present Job3 Protocol at industry conferences and submit a proposal to relevant blockchain and HR standards bodies to promote its adoption.

What is the success vision for your idea?

Our vision is to create a global, decentralized recruitment network that is cost-effective, efficient, and transparent. By leveraging blockchain technology, Job3 Protocol will empower job seekers and employers alike, fostering a more connected and meritocratic talent ecosystem. Ultimately, we aim to make recruitment more accessible and fair, contributing to a more equitable global labor market.


It let me remember the Talent Protocol, althought it not dirctly for the recruitment, but someone actually come up here and ask me if I want a job.

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