Good Death

Originally published at: Good Death - Summer of Protocols

Livestream Link:

Good Death looks at the end-of-life process for worlds. Worlds are what grows on a protocol when a protocol lives, though they can grow on other substrates, including games, social media platforms, and other communal spaces. The core thesis of this essay is that the death of a world is a decision-making process with aโ€ฆ


Hey @isthisa is there a presentation link that I can access?

Thereโ€™s a recording of this talk on the SoP Youtube channel (link)

Also Sarah talked more about her project on the Bankless pod! (link)

Thanks, @Timber!

In fact, I watched the video content about twice and that is what got me interested in the written format.

For context, I am conducting research of my own about the relevance of protocols to me, it is just that I have this flow of research where I use Hypothesis to annotate and think and it is not so easy to do that on video.

I hope to see her article on the platform soon.

Hi @ergod - so I donโ€™t really know when the official version of my text will be published, but you can read the last draft here: (Shareable) Good Death | Sarah Friend - Google Docs

Hope itโ€™s interesting to you!

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Hey @isthisa - Thanks for the link, now I can work with it. Yes, it aligns with few projects, I am working on, your insights are useful. Good research.