Dispatches from Cascadia

Originally published at: Dispatches from Cascadia - Summer of Protocols

This 6-part work of speculative fiction, set in the year 2065 is told through the lens of a journalist reporting on the City of Vancouver, BC, three decades after its transition to protocolized governance. Though many definitions of a protocol have been offered, for our purposes, protocols are defined here as encouraging a set of…

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In terms of reading order, this ended up being nicely placed after Unreasonably Sufficiency and Protocols Don’t Build Pyramids. And yes, inflammatory pessimism sells views, but hope is always nice :smiley:

Ideas that resonated:

  • the organization of government around environmentally-meaningful units was cool
  • the push+merge interaction of local and core protocols

Coming off of “Pyramids”, I couldn’t help but ask “I see the automobiles, but where are the traffic jams?”. I have yet to come up with a good answer!