PILL Drafts Thread (Due July 7)

My “Protocol Game with the Uncommunicables” is currently presented in the form of a video.
Here’s the link: https://vimeo.com/979955247?share=copy
Although I haven’t turned it into a webpage yet, I’d like to walk you through the game process. I feel this format could more effectively conveys my ideas. The interactive interface was designed in Figma, and I’ve included a PDF document with the content. I personally recommend watching the video first and then referring to the PDF for additional details.
Protocol with uncommunicables.pdf - Google Drive

As previously mentioned, this is a game about signing protocol with the uncommunicables. ‘Absurdity’ itself deals with the boundary between rationality and irrationality. Through this game, I aim to discuss the following: 1. What exactly is a technical protocol? 2. What can we achieve with current technical protocols, and where are their boundaries?

Welcome any suggestions and look forward to discussing them with you!